Monday, April 22, 2013


Chapati is a common staple cuisine of India. This is a simple whole wheat flat bread baked on a hot griddle or tava. There are all different kinds of chapati 's in India. This recipe is for the plain chapati. Chapatis are usually eaten with different curries.

2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
Water to make dough
Olive oil(optional)


1. Mix the flour with salt. Add water  little at a time and knead well till you have a smooth dough. Kind of like a bread dough. not too watery. Knead well and keep aside for about 30 minutes

2. Make lemon size balls flatten it and roll the dough to thin circle dipping in flour so that it does not stick

3. Heat a hot griddle or tava. When hot place the chapati on it and cook both sides. Use a soft kitchen towel to press on it after both sides are partially cooked to make the chapati fluff up. Cook both sides.

4. You can spread a little olive oil on both sides of the chapati if needed but t can be eaten with out it too.

Serve hot with curries.

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