Saturday, March 16, 2013

Oats Pootu

One of the popular Kerala breakfast dish. Usually made with Rice flour. Here I have made this with oats. This is simple a delicious healthy breakfast dish and is usually eaten with banana or Chick pea curry(kadala). We have a special steamer to make the Pootu but it can be  steamed in any dish in layers with coconut.

Quick cooking oats - 2 Cups
Salt - 1/2 tea spoons
Fresh Grated coconut - 3/4 Cup
Water - 1/2 - 3/4 cup

1. Mix the oats with salt . Sprinkle water little at a time and wet the oats. The oats should not be get too wet or lumpy. Keep this oats mixture covered for 30 minutes before making the pootu.

2. In a steamer or the Pootu maker make layers for Pootu. Coconut first then oats. Alternate layers till the top and steam for about 8 minutes  till steam comes on the top of the Pootu maker

3. Push it out of the Pootu maker and serve hot with Banana or Kadala curry

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