Sunday, March 31, 2013

Avial ( Mixed Vegetables with Coconut)

There is no vegetarian feast in Kerala with out Avial. This dish originated from all left over vegetables after a feast. You can add any vegetables you like to this dish the only think to note  is chopping all the vegetables about the same size and cooking vegetables that take longer separately so that no one vegetable gets overcooked.

Green beans - A hand full cut into match stick size pieces
Carrots - A hand full cut into match stick size pieces
Long beans - A hand full cut into match stick size pieces
Flat beans - A hand full cut into match stick size pieces
Snake Gourd - One small one - cut into match stick size pieces
Ridge gourd - One small one - cut into match stick size pieces
Chayote squash - 1 medium size - Cut into thick slices
Ash Gourd - 1/4 pound - Cut into thick slices
Potatoes - One medium - cut into match stick size pieces
Plantain - one medium size - cut into thin slices length wise
Drum sticks - 1/2 pound.
Curd(yogurt plain) one cup
Freshly grated Coconuts - 1 1/2 cups
Cumin - 1 teaspoon
Curry leaves - 3 sprigs
Turmeric - 1 teaspoon
Oil - 2 tablespoons
Green chillies - 4
Salt to taste

1. Cook the plantain, potatoes, Chayote squash, drum sticks and ash gourd each separately with a little turmeric and salt till done. Do not over cook.  Keep aside
2. Cook all the rest of the vegetables together with salt and turmeric till done.
3. Mix all cooked vegetables together with curry leaves
5. Grind the coconut with cumin, green chillies, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric and 1 sprig of curry leaves. Just grind for one minute does not have to be a smooth paste. Rough ground is enough for this dish.
6. Mix this coconut mixture to the cooked vegetables and mix well. Bring it to a boil and turn off the heat.
7. When this dish cools a little bit add the  yogurt and oil to this and mix well. Adjust salt as needed.

Serve with Rice

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