Saturday, March 23, 2013

Coconut Brown Sugar Dumplings ( Kozhikootta)

This is a special sweet dumpling made on the day before Palm Sunday and is a tradition for Catholics in Kerala . I grew up eating this for every Easter season and Easter would not be complete for me with out this. The dumpling is made with rice flour and is filled with fresh coconut, brown sugar and dry ginger powder.

Rice flour - 1 1/2 cups
Salt to taste about a teaspoons
Boiling hot water to make the rice flour dough
Fresh Grated coconut - 3 Cups
Brown sugar - one cup
Dry ginger powder about 1 teaspoon

1. Boil  about 3 cups of water with salt.
2. Mix the boiled water little at a time to the rice flour til you make a smooth dough
3. Knead well and make a smooth dough and keep it aside covered.
4. Heat a heavy bottom pan and add the coconuts brown sugar to it. Mix well till the brown sugar melts and coats the coconut and all liquid dries up.  Stir for about 10 minutes and then add the dry ginger powder to the coconut mixture mix well and turn off the heat.
5.When the coconut mixture cools take the rice dough and make a ball the size of a lime. Put your thumb at the center of it and  press it with your other fingers to make a cup like shape. Scoop in the coconut mixture inside this and cover up the ball. Make all balls this way.
6. Take the prepared balls and steam them for about 15 - 20 minutes

Makes about 20 dumplings. Serve hot or at room temperature.

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