Thursday, January 30, 2014

Kappa Poottu

Kappa or Tapioca roots are very common in Kerala.  Fresh Tapioca root grated and made into poottu this way is a delicious treat. This poottu is usually accompanied by fish or meat curries. I got a chance to make this poottu with my mother in my recent visit to India. Layers of steamed hot fresh grated tapioca, each layer separated by fresh grated coconut makes this a mouth watering breakfast. Make sure you serve this steaming hot so prepare this just before serving.

Kappa Poottu
Two large Kappa( tapioca roots)
Rice flour 2 - 3 tablespoons
Fresh grated coconut - 1 cup
Salt to taste

1. Peel the kappa wash and grate it . Put the grated Kappa in plenty of water. Wash it 2 or 3 times till lot of the cloudy starch is removed.

2. Squeeze out the water from the Kappa. Mix with  2 -3 tablespoons of rice flour with the kappa. Add salt and mix well with your fingers till the consistency is just right.

3. Heat the poottu vessel with water. In the poottu mold add layers of coconut and grated kappa and steam the kappa till done about 5 - 7 minutes.

4. Take out the Kappa from the mold and serve hot with fish or meat curry.

Fresh Kappa(Tapioca)

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